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Expert on the Spot with François Höpflinger
Professor François Höpflinger, Professor Sociology & director of the Gerontological center of the University of Zurich will share with us, in French (subtitled in English), his more than 15 years of gathered insights & take-aways on senior housing in Switzerland.

Expert on the spot with Marc Driesen
Status en uitdagingen van de Belgische huizenmarkt voor senioren
Watch the interview here: https://youtu.be/kzJrxjPy-dY
Starting an hour later due to some technical issues!

Expert on the spot with Peter Robinson: Part 2
Part 2 of the interview with Peter Robinson. During the second part of our interview, he will elaborate on how to engage an entire ecosystem representing various industries to deliver qualitative housing. He will elaborate on a few examples from the US as well as the UK.

Expert on the spot with Peter Robinson
We have the honour of having Peter Robinson, European Director of Promatura, as Expert on the Spot. During the first part of our interview, he will share with us his personal and global perspectives on the unprecedented opportunities with regard to Senior Housing.